Join Us…

In A Daily Moment Of Peace And Loving Kindness ❤

I have created this page to open my personal meditation practice to others that want to join me in this daily moment of Peace and Loving Kindness.

This is not a physical space. Not even a virtual one. It is an Energetic space; which I will hold and keep cleared so we can reach deeper levels of meditation - together.

So…if your soul is connected to this universe - then you can attend from anywhere you are!

I believe that being in Autumn - on a personal level, and with many events of great suffering in the world - on the collective level…

It can benefit us all to come together & align as much as we can before we start our days - when the energy is still fresh & clear.

To share a moment where we find & focus our Loving energies on the areas that need it most (personal, tribal or globally).

To help us alleviate the suffering and break through any heaviness we, or our loved ones, may be caught up in.

The space is freely accessible for all - but there are some basic guidelines and ground rules, so all attendees can trust that this is a honored & respected space by all participants, which I will explain in the Guidelines section below.

Follow The Steps Below To Join Us!

1) Cast your vote here for the time & length scheduling of the daily moment:

👉 I AM A Link 👈

The majority of the group will be leading, so as more people come in this can shift. Feel free to come back to this page and update your vote at a later moment to match your current life situation.

2) Join the WhatsApp group where we connect and all the practicalities are shared:

👉 I AM A Link Too 👈

Here the time for the next session will be confirmed and we will do short check-in & outs to connect & disconnect with the group energy.

3) The method of meditation you perform is up to you, all is welcome!

Your personal practice is welcome here. This space is created to share the energetic space and support each other to go deeper and be more consistent in our practices - together.

Do You Need Some Guidance?

If you are in need of guidance you are welcome to use this Guided Metta - Loving Kindness Meditation.


Feel welcome to reach out to me directly via WhatsApp (+30 690 6173 733) if you find you would like some personal support to uplift & refine your current meditation practice.

Some Simple Guidelines.

1) If you need help/advice please reach out before or after the meditation times…not during. 🙏🏼

2) Please respect this space as if it would be a real physical space you are attending for a group meditation. This is both for the respect of your own practice as the respect towards the group.

3) If you are not able to 100% attend with you full attention. Please skip the session and join a next time. This is not a place to tap energy from. So don’t open the connection by checking in, if you are not really meditating.

See the FAQ below for more details.

We are all connected in the world by Energy, every living thing”

We are one collective field of Energy.

And to heal, the healing can only come from Love.

The Love from within us.

To create positive in this world, and to heal the wounds.

Love is the only answer.

When you Love, you can not hate.

Getting connected to your heart, with Loving Kindness.

Will allow you both to experience Love, and to spread Love.

You can be the change you wish to see in this world.


Q: Who are you?

A: My name is Thomas Hawker and you can read more about me in the About Us section of this site.

Q: Why is this not a physical or virtual space?

A: 1) Because I believe that the highest I have to personally offer you is an energetic space, as this is one of my biggest strengths - to clear and uplift on the energetic level. 2) I want to make this as easily accessible for any of the internationally oriented clients of The House of Healing (so not physical). 3) I believe by using a minimum amount of tech during the session will keep it the most pure (so no virtual/video conferencing distractions).

Q: What type of meditation can or should I do during the session?

A: This is totally up to you. I have designed this with the idea to make it compatible with anyone’s personal practice, and still get the energetic benefit of being together and sharing the energy. If you are not at a level yet where you have a personal practice, please either use one of the guided meditations shared above - or reach out to me over WhatsApp (+30 690 6173 733) outside of the meditation times so I can offer you a suitable practice to your current meditation level and goals.

Q: How should I prepare for the meditation sessions?

A: It is 100% up to you to create a suitable meditation area in your home or somewhere outside if this is possible for you. As long as you can stay comfortable & concentrated during the whole meditation time - all is equally good. So, also dress comfortably. It is recommended that you beforehand determine what type of meditation you want to do, so you only have to check-in with the group and start at the (most likely early) time we start. Just to clarify fully: you will not be seeing or hearing any other participants (nor me!). You will be physically alone with your practice. We are talking purely about an energetic connection to me and the group.

Q: What do you mean by checking in and checking out?

A: Because we are not meeting in a physical or virtual room we are using the WhatsApp group to still have a way to energetically “enter the room”. So to make a connection to the space and to the group. Any short form message like: “ Good morning 🙏” will do. Only do this from ~5 mins before our meditation time until when I will message we will start. (After the start please no more messaging, even if you are late - check in by intention only). After the meditation time closes please send a message thanking the group, and stating that you are leaving - to close your connection to our groups energy. You are welcome to share any experiences - in short form please.

Make sure to mute all notifications from this specific group in your WhatsApp. 1) So it does not make any sounds before we start the meditation, when we all do the check ins. 2) So if someone would make the mistake of messaging during our meditation time, you are not disturbed. Save yourself the irritation and use perma-mute. 😉

Q: How does it work with voting for the time and length of the session?

A: Because this is a new group, and open for international attendees it is hard to predict what time will suit the most people. We will follow the votes as to the majority has determined what time and for how long we will meditate. This is a one time vote (so not daily - for every meeting). When you choose a time and length please first reflect on what time will work best for you in general to keep up a consistent practice. If after you vote your personal situation changes and you would like to vote again, this is OK. But please don’t manipulate the time by casting many votes in a short time.

Q: What if the meditation time of the group is (always) at a time that does not suit me?

A: Just check in and meditate at the time that suits you. You can still make use of this energy field, as it will be held & contained by me - also outside the meditation times. And it will build to be stronger the more we meditate in it. It is available to you also before and after the main groups meditation time. You will still receive a lot of the benefits. Please do respect the check in and check out as if you are entering and exiting a real sacred room. To use an analogy: even though you are alone in an empty temple you will still receive the good vibes built up from all the people who came before you. ✨

Any other questions I have not covered, or if it’s just not clear > WhatsApp me: +30 690 6173 733

Please don’t be shy! You are helping me to make this page better, as it is all just fresh-ly created.
